Devoted to helping individuals and businesses with all real estate and business concerns in California

Skilled Representation For Real Estate Broker Disputes

Real estate brokers are obligated to provide buyers and sellers with full disclosure and honest information regarding real estate properties and transactions. Having defended and prosecuted real estate licensees for over 50 years, the law firm of Rossi, Hamerslough, Reischl & Chuck is well-versed in the rights and remedies available to buyers and sellers who have suffered damages as a result of nondisclosure, misrepresentation, and violations of various codes and restrictions.

Our Bay Area firm enjoys a respected reputation in both successfully defending real estate brokers wrongfully accused of failing to meet their fiduciary duties or other obligations, as well as protecting the real estate investments of buyers and sellers from broker negligence and breach of fiduciary duties.

Understanding The Nuances Of The Broker Profession

Our real estate attorneys are active in drafting many of the forms brokers use today. We know the fiduciary and licensing requirements for brokers, along with the types of damages and methods of recovery available to plaintiffs suing a broker for negligence or breach of fiduciary duty. Our lawyers are highly knowledgeable of the transactional forms and legal defenses that will best protect buyers and sellers, as well as a broker’s real estate license.

Recent Case Successes
Michael Morter, et al. v. Thunderbird Realty, et al. (Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case #CV136523). Obtained an arbitration award in excess of $1 million, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of a real estate broker’s failure to advise and counsel a homebuyer of landslide potential in a mountain property.
See more successful case results involving real estate brokers.

Representing Brokers, Buyers And Sellers

We represent California plaintiffs and defendants in real estate disputes. No matter what side of the issue you are on, we can provide you with the skilled legal representation you need. To arrange your initial consultation with one of our San Jose attorneys, please contact us online.